Integrated Management, Process and Design Services for the Meat Industry Worldwide


     The Goal of Our Business is to Improve Your Business





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Improving Revenue.

The methods available for improving the return to the company from processing 
operations generally are classified into three main areas.

Better return for present products.

Improving the revenue return from the sale of products is achieved by either improving the markets to which the products are directed, reducing the cost of transporting the product to the market.  Generally the tools used include:
Market analysis
Supply chain analysis


Improved yields

Improving the yields from processing are associated with three areas of change in the business:
Technology improvement
Process improvement
Reject reduction

ProAnd can assist in each of these areas through the application of
Technology Audit and project
Process engineering and analysis to improve processing techniques


Value adding

Value adding to a product can be a simple or complex process, however the primary goal is to add greater revenue from the sale of the product than the cost of manufacturing.  To achieve this required markets and products to be developed that lift products into a different classification and allow non generic pricing.  This can be as simple as packaging for a different market to the production of a complex product that requires specialist processes and/or processing plant.  
ProAnd have worked with clients to
Develop new products
Modify packaging arrangements
Market analysis and development 




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Copyright © 2008 ProAnd Associates (Australia) Pty Ltd
Last modified: April, 2008